I woke up with a start at 3:10 am exactly 2 years to the minute from when Dad died. Just like I did 2 years ago. Very weird. I miss him a lot but know that I was really lucky to have him as my dad!
This morning Brad and I went out golfing. I am reading a new book and I thought I would try to apply some of what I am learning. You wouldn't know from my score that I think the information in the book is helping. For the first time I really focused on what I was doing. Who knew focusing was important -- lol. Tomorrow I am going to see if I can post a better score. I should have had a better score today, but I landed in the sand twice and had one heck of a time getting out. Oh well, one thing at a time. I've got to get ready for Hawaii :)
Last night we went sat under the stars at the Palmdale Amphitheater and saw the Greg Rolie band. Although he was a founding member and singer for both Santana and Journey they did Santana music exclusively. It was good, but I would have like to have heard some Journey. It was a very nice evening to be sitting outside and we are glad we went.
I am so glad tomorrow is a holiday!!! Yay!! One more day off. I like these 4 day weekends. Then we only have a 3 day week !! Lovely!
Well, I think I'll go and figure out what to have for dinner.
Until later...
Spring Mix Salad
1 day ago
miss you papa!!!