Sunday, July 5, 2009


It’s been a couple days since I’ve blogged so I figured I ought to sit down and put something to paper, so to speak.  We had a wonderful 4th yesterday.  For the last 5 years we have had a small bbq here with our family and Ben’s family.  Yesterday we continued the tradition.

We were hoping for a beautiful summer day, but we got winds, winds, and more winds.  After getting very frustrated with the wind I decided to pretend it wasn’t there and just enjoy the day.  That was a better plan of action.  The weather was warm so we were able to swim.  We had a couple of new rafts and they turned out to be perfect.  Lindsay and I lied on those rafts and drifted around the pool for quite a while.  Lindsay has a great account of the day on her blog

Yesterday I had some rhinestone flag “tatoos” that we put on for a little patriotic fun – we even put them on Riley (the chiaweenie) and Zoey (the lab).  To my surprise they left them on all day!  As we sat around the backyard watching the (illegal) fireworks displays around the valley I noticed the near full moon reflecting on the pool.  Very beautiful!

I was feeling a bit frustrated with this blogging the other day.  Loading pictures was so slow and the spacing of the lines was so erratic.  Then Lindsay called this morning and told me about Live Writer!  Yay!!  So much easier!

Yesterday I came across a book that I had been reading about a year and a half ago.  In the book there was a place to write down a list of 101 goals.  I had started it and then, apparently, forgot about it.  I started reading it and felt a little disappointed in myself, but then I decided that was useless and I should just renew my drive to achieve these goals.  So that is what I am doing, starting now.  Not tomorrow, now.

One thing on the list is to walk at least 10,000 every day.  Since that is something I can definitely start today I got up to get my pedometer.  But I can’t find it.  I have found a couple of throw away pedometers but I have not found a single one with a good battery!  RRRRR.   I really want to find that great pedometer that you can just stick in your pocket, but Brad and I have looked everywhere!.  Hmmmm.  Well, I am not going to let that stop me – I just may not be able to get an accurate count of my steps today.

Well, it is time to get outside and enjoy the day.  Oh yes, the wind is still here – with a vengeance.

See ya…

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