Well, today was the day for my mammogram. When I made the appointment (yesteday) I asked for an appointment first thing in the morning. I was surprised when they offered me 7:00 the next day! Wow! I thought/hoped I would have to wait a couple weeks. Oh well, at least I would get it done. The Rx has been sitting on my counter for a couple of weeks...
I got up early and showered and discovered how many times I wanted to reach for the deodorant or cologne, but that's a no no for a mammogram. So I put the Secret in my purse. Then off I went for my test.
Naturally, I had to fill out a few forms- eventhough I have had my mammogram done at this place every time. Oh well. Then I got to wait. Fortunately, since mine was one of the first appointments I didn't have to wait too long. Then they took me to the little changing room, assigned a locker for my clothes, and gave me this adorable little cape to wear. I wish I had worn my cute blue shoes because they would have gone better with the cape than my brown heels. Then it was off to another waiting room.
At least this waiting room had a TV to divert my attention away from my nerves. But wait, the TV is turned to the local Fox station with that horrible Jillian Barbieri. Is there anyone on TV who is more unprofessional than Jillian?? What an ego that woman has...
Finally, they called my name and put me in the room with the big x-ray machine. Now it was time to go to my happy place while this technician moved each breast all over the place before tightening the machine on it. Move here, hold this, drop your shoulder, twist your body, tilt your head, now relax and don't breathe. Oh joy, oh joy! At least I need only four pictures total!!
It all went great until the technician asked if I had had a mole checked. Now, I had just had a complete physical and I had made a point of having my moles checked but I decided to panic anyway. Afterall, why waste a good opportunity for a panic! At one point she asked me, while she was manipulating my breast, how I was doing. I said that I had been doing fine until she asked about the mole. She laughed and said she was not mole expert and that since I had had it checked I should stop worrying. Easy for her to say -- lol. Then she let me go.
Of course when I got to the office I had to ask Brad about my mole. And, naturally, he rolled his eyes at me because he had been in the room with me while I had my moles checked and because, in his opinion, there is nothing suspicious about the mole. But still...
I didn't mention that before I went to the appointment I had my coffee, chocolate and oatmeal and blueberries. I was nervous about the appointment and forgot to take pictures.
I got to the office earlier than I usually do. In fact, I got there before Brad and a number of the employees did. Weird.
Today Lindsay was coming to the office to work on a couple of projects that I haven't been able to do. The first one is a slide show for a digital frame. This is our 25th year in the office and I want something to commemorate it in the reception room. When she arrived she had a wonderful unsweetened passion iced tea for me. It was just what I wanted! What a good girl!!

The morning went by quickly. Thursdays usually do since we are busy,have two hygienists, and take lunch an hour earlier (noon) than most days. Lindsay and I decided to go to Camielles, a local "sidewalk cafe". I ordered their tuna sandwhich on whole wheat. Their tuna has apples and walnuts in it and it is just delicious. They serve it with a few chips and salsa. I wasn't as good as Lindsay at ignoring the chips, but I was better than I usually am. We had iced tea with our sandwiches.
After lunch was rather weird at the office. Laura called and said that she had read that Michael Jackson had died. She was on her way back from Castaic Lake where she had spent the day with her friend Christina and saw this on Twitter on her BB. Naturally, we had to go online to check this out. The front office doesn't have a TV like the treatment rooms and the reception rooms. The husband of one of our employees works at UCLA and called and confirmed the rumor. It was so odd, since earlier in the day a patient was just leaving and as she walked by the reception TV she saw that Farrah Fawcett had died and told us about it. A very strange day...
We got home and decided that for Fun Food Thursday we would go out for sushi. For FFT we usually stay home and fix something that everyone likes and thinks is fun. Lindsay and Ben always come over for FFT. We've made pizzas, quesadillas, meatball sandwiches, sliders, soft tacos, German pancakes, BLTs and so on. We are always looking for something fun for Thursdays. And I am always looking for something that everyone can help cook. But this night we thought sushi sounded just too good. So Brad, Laura, Lindsay, Ben, and I headed off to Goldfish.
We had to wait a while, but we got a nice place at the sushi bar. The place was busy and the music was loud, but we had a good time.
We started off with the complimentary edamame...
Brad and I shared a cold Sapporo...
We started off with salmon and yellow tail sushi. I forgot to take pictures at first so I "borrowed" Lindsay's

The fish was good and fresh! Then we shared a 911 roll, a Washington roll, and a scallop and salmon roll. I think we got our share of Omega 3s with that meal...

After dinner we sat down to watch a little TV but it was all Michael Jackson everywhere. Laura and I tried to watch a program about Farrah, but I fell asleep in the middle of it. I hate cancer!! When I woke up I found myself in the kitchen looking for chocolate. I should have stopped myself but I ate a delicious brownie...

I was having a bad allergy attack so I took a couple allergy pills -- hence the reason I was so tired. Hopefully Friday will be allergy free...